History and Workings of the U.S. Supreme Court

   At the beginning of our country's history, our founding fathers established three branches of government to ensure sovereignty and peace among the people. The three constituents were the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches. The Supreme Court is one of the most important branches of government and is a powerful part of our democracy. It is arguably the one agency that holds our democracy together. They play a critical role in not only upholding the law but also interpreting it.

    One of the essential roles of the Supreme Court is to interpret the Constitution. By doing this they ensure that the laws and policies put in place by the Executive and Legislative Branch, as well as state and local governments, are in line with its Constitution. This is particularly important because the Constitution serves as the foundation of the legal system and sets the framework for how the government operates. As such, the Supreme Court's rulings significantly impact issues ranging from civil rights to the separation of powers and the role of the federal government.

    `Something that really shocked me was how human they all appeared during the videos. My mental image of the Supreme court was how serious they must be all, but what I realized was that like us they are humans too, capable of humor and emotion. But what that also means is that they are capable of mistakes like everyone else. I think we put a lot of weight on the perfection of the courts and how they are corrupt nowadays, but they are humans who are fallible. We should, as a democracy and as people, learn to observe them through a fine-toothed comb, but also approach it with grace and the acknowledgment that they can make mistakes.


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