My Top 5 Sources of News

My Top 5 Sources of News:

Forget personality tests. Where we get our information can be one of the most telling things about ourselves. Many different news sources cover every corner of media: print, online, social media, word of mouth, etc. These avenues act like a funnel, processing and categorizing an immense amount of information into a format that we can both efficiently operate and understand. 

We rely on the media. For the amount of information and events that happen every hour of every day, it is paramount that it is condensed and formatted in a way that is manageable. We rely on the media for information. We need them to give facts, not opinions. We have to have an immense amount of trust in what they are telling us, and therefore there is a certain level of prudence required in sifting through the news. 

While it is easy to preach but harder in practice, I’m going to list the five outlets in which I acquire information about the world today.

First off, for most of my life, I have watched Fox News. From a young age, my parents always had The Five on at 5:00 and Bret Baier on at 6:00. I come from a family of Republicans so it's natural that we would watch Fox News, as they are a traditional right-wing news network. As I've gotten older and left for college, I find that I watch Fox less but I still receive news alerts and I'll watch the occasional video or report.

The next main source that I get my news from is The Daily Wire, specifically Ben Shapiro. I have been a big fan of his talks and ideas for a while now and I often listen to his daily podcast discussing hot topics in politics right now. I appreciate his logic and his succinct way of talking. It always keeps me sharp and expands the tools I have to defend things that I believe.

On a more non-traditional route, I have started to get weekly news reports from Snapchat. I follow a news channel on the app called "Not My Party" put out by The Bulwark. It's a center-right account that really tries to point out inaccuracies and flaws on both sides of the party. I think that it is really important to be able to take a step back from the harsh divide between parties and try to be more straightforward and bi-partisan.

Another source that I get my news from is The New York Times. I originally signed up to the New York Times so I could see Wordle Bot, which is a statistical analysis of the hit puzzle wordle. I read articles that pop up on my phone from time to time. It is not my favorite channel of news because of the far left lean of the articles, but it is good to get different perspectives on topics that I feel strongly about.

I'm not sure if I can really call this a source of news, but I get a lot of news from my parents. My parents often send articles, podcasts, and books that they think would be beneficial to me. They are the ones that introduced me to the Daily Wire. I have read a multitude of different articles that they have sent me that keep me informed on things that are important.


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