Embracing Diversity of Thought: The Power of Free Expression

Title: Embracing Diversity of Thought: The Power of Free Expression

In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, the concept of free expression holds immense significance. We are constantly being bombarded by information and facts; we are being told what to think and how to act. But the great part is that in a democracy, especially like the one we have in the United States, we can make important decisions for ourselves (most of the time). Free Expression is essentially the cornerstone of democracy as it allows to voice their opinions, ideas, and perspectives without fear of censorship or restraint by the government. Among the various values associated with free expression, one that particularly resonated with me is the importance of diversity of thought.

Diversity of thought is the belief that free expression promotes a wide range of ideas, perspectives, and opinions, including those that may challenge mainstream views. Take for instance the War that is going on in Ukraine. It is very popular to support sending aid and money to those in Ukraine to help them out, but at the same time, people are allowed to voice their dissenting opinion without being censored by the government. It is the backbone of a productive society that encourages and embraces diversity of thought.

One of the reasons why diversity of thought is so crucial is because it encourages the exploration of different perspectives. When we are exposed to a variety of ideas and opinions, it challenges us to think critically and question our own assumptions. It pushes us to seek out new information, even when opinions differ. In this process, we are able to expand our understanding of complex issues and arrive at more well-informed and nuanced conclusions.

This is the unfortunate part about our society today. 

We have gotten to a point where people refuse to listen to any other side than the camp that they are already in. Democrats curse and slander Republicans while Republicans do the exact same thing. My dad had an expression growing up: people act like their poopy don't stink.” Looking back he was using nicer language around me and my young siblings, but his point was valid. People often refuse to acknowledge when they are wrong, so they build intellectual walls around their tribe and lock everyone else out. 

As a society, we have to see the positive impacts that diversity of thought can have in all spheres of life. In academia, it is evident in the pursuit of knowledge through rigorous debates, discussions, and research that involves exploring different perspectives and challenging established notions. In the workplace, it is reflected in the recognition that a diverse workforce, comprising individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and opinions, can lead to better decision-making, and problem-solving.

However, despite the importance of diversity of thought, challenges persist. In some contexts, there are attempts to stifle dissenting opinions, limit access to diverse perspectives, or promote echo chambers where only certain views are accepted. Such actions hinder the free flow of ideas and erode the essence of free expression. I hope one day we will get to a point where the world will understand this again and we can move back to a semi-functioning democracy.


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